


发布时间:2018-07-12       访问次数:1525



复旦大学  俞吾金







“ Is  Belief  habits  of  action ”?

             ——query one of  Rorty’s basic viewpoints

     Prof. Yu Wujin

 Fudan University

According to Rorty’s theory, one of fundamental viewpoints of the classical and new pragmatism is: belief is habits of action. It is obvious that the traditional representationalism has been transcended by this viewpoint based on Dawin’s theory of evolution, which holds all knowledge and belief have been formed in the process people deal with the environment. This new point brings to light a new dimension——utility dimension of all knowledge and belief. In other words, people shouldn’t talk about true or false belief, breaking away from the utility dimension. Although Hume tells us that Custom is the great guide of human life,[1] we don’t agree with Rorty’s viewpoint which equals belief with habits of action. Our main reasons are as follows:

First of all, it goes without saying that the most beliefs of people don’t come from their own actions. Seeing from modes of expression, belief can be divided into two following different kinds: one of them is the direct belief which forms and developed from human actions directly; the other is indirect belief as knowledge coming from other persons indirectly. In fact, the most beliefs in human life are indirect. For example, this belief ——snake is able to snap man—— is gotten by most of people indirectly, not based on direct actions. So it is wrong for Kantian philosophers to have epistemology on the basis of representationalism, however, it is also wrong for Rorty to deny completely position and function of representation in epistemology.

Secondarily, belief is conceptual, but action is practical. Although belief guides human action and human action also inspects belief, belief isn’t equal to habits of action. As Kant tells us that conceptual 100 Yuan isn’t equal to actual 100 Yuan. Seeing from modes of existence, much less, belief can also divided into two different kinds: one of them is the transcendent belief, such as ontological idea, religious faith and moral ideal; the other is experiential belief, such as “snake is able to snap man”. To be different from belief, habits of action are only experiential.

Thirdly, belief can also be divided into actual and illusory, seeing from its quality. For instance, this belief ——snake is able to snap man——is actual, however, another belief ——there is a perfect society in the future——is illusory, only towards to future, for which how to contact with habits of action.

Fourthly, by habits of action people mean the fact that same kinds of action have been repeated for many times. That is to say, any belief does only related to plural actions, so such a result arises: only if man has repeated his own action for several times, it is possible for him to have a belief. In that way, if man acts for first time(single action), does he have any belief?

In all, like such concepts——belief, action and habit——have colorful content which can not be included by Rorty’s viewpoint “belief is habits of action”. In addition, because Hume put forward that habits always contact with psychological phenomena, hence we find that only certain thing in Rorty’s philosophy is such a result——nothing is certain. According to Rorty’s theory, he ought to, like Wittgenstein, keep silent, because any speech he has given, in effect,  was a negation of his own theory.

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